Cafe Bach パナマ ドンパチ ティピカ
Decent Pro / Niche Duo
- 4/20.0g -> 7/42s 39.9g 0.4~1.4ml/s, bitter and sweet
- 5.5/20.0g -> 7/24s 39.8g 1.5~2.2ml/s, flavor emphasized but also bitter (why?), still sweet
- 6.5/20.0g -> 8/21s 40.3g 1.9~2.7ml/s, balanced
- 7/20.0g -> 8/21s 40.0g 2.1~3.1ml/s, thickness is fine, sweet
- Didn’t get the cherry taste from note
- 7/20.0g -> 8/19s 40.6g 2.5~2.9ml/s, not much changed
- 7.5/20.0g -> 8/17s 39.5g 3.8~4.1ml/s, not much changed
- why so fast? 6~1 bar results in a slightly lower flow rate, which mean this one may be right, not because of channeling
- why no change?
- 7.5/20.0g -> 9/18s 39.1g 3.1~3.4ml/s, rich flavor, balanced, sweet, cherry but not obvious
- yes!
- try 6 bar flat, aftertaste is kind of too strong
- 7.5/20.0g -> 8/20s 38.9g 3.6ml/s, bitter
- suddenly lose pressure and flow rate jumps to 4.5ml/s, is it channeling?
- 7.5/20.0g -> 8/17s 40.2g 3.5~3.7ml/s, pulling 1.5oz less frothed milk, sweet but a little bit bitter
6bar/92C on 18g basket
- 7.5/20.0g -> 7/17s 40.1g 3.2~3.3ml/s, bitterness emphasized while flavor unchanged, expected
- 7.5/20.0g -> 8/13s 30.6g 4ml/s, obvious sweet in actertaste but comes later, flavor emphasized but a little bit bitter, is it channeling?
- why 4ml/s? repeat it tomorrow
- repeat also with 20oz basket, 18oz might make channeling easier
- repeat canceled, degas proven
9bar/92C on 15g basket
- 6/15.0g -> 7/12s 30.2g 5ml/s, smooth, sweet, flavor no clarity
- 4.5/15.0g -> 6/15s 30.1g 2.5~2.8ml/s, thickness increased a lot, flavor also emphasized, no bitterness
- 4.5/15.0g -> 6/17s 30.1g 2.1~2.8ml/s, balanced, tea like, bitterness completedly removed while thickness kept
- 4.5/15.0g -> 6/24s 30.0g 1.5~2.2ml/s, bitter like thick red tea
- possibly because forgot to remove residual in the grinder
- 4.5/15.0g -> 7/21s 30.4g 2.0~2.6ml/s, repros, but need to pour all frothy milk (6oz before frothing)
- 4.5/15.0g -> 6/18s 30.4g 2.0~2.6ml/s, repros, tea like, sweet
- 4.5/15.0g -> 7/18s 29.9g 2.2~2.6ml/s, repros
- 4.5/15.0g -> 6/16s 30.2g 2.2~2.7ml/s
- 4.6/15.0g -> 7/17s 30.1g 2.1~2.5ml/s