File Index Symbol Index

// cmath standard header
#pragma once
#ifndef _CMATH_
#define _CMATH_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include <yvals.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
); } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {
); } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {
); } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }
#include <xtgmath.h>
#if _HAS_CXX17
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_laguerre(unsigned int, unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_laguerref(unsigned int, unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_legendre(unsigned int, unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_legendref(unsigned int, unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_beta(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_betaf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_1(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_1f(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_2(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_2f(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_3(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_3f(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_i(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_if(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_j(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_jf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_k(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_kf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_neumann(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_neumannf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_1(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_1f(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_2(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_2f(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_3(double, double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_3f(float, float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_expint(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_expintf(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_hermite(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_hermitef(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_laguerre(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_laguerref(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_legendre(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_legendref(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_riemann_zeta(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_riemann_zetaf(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_sph_bessel(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_sph_besself(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_sph_legendre(unsigned int, unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_sph_legendref(unsigned int, unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_sph_neumann(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_sph_neumannf(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_hypot3(double, double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_hypot3f(float, float, float) noexcept;
// FUNCTION assoc_laguerre
_NODISCARD inline double assoc_laguerre(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_laguerre(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_laguerref
_NODISCARD inline float assoc_laguerref(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const float _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_laguerref(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_laguerrel
_NODISCARD inline long double assoc_laguerrel(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const long double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_laguerre(_Degree, _Order, static_cast<double>(_Value)));
// FUNCTION assoc_legendre
_NODISCARD inline double assoc_legendre(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_legendre(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_legendref
_NODISCARD inline float assoc_legendref(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const float _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_legendref(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_legendrel
_NODISCARD inline long double assoc_legendrel(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const long double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_legendre(_Degree, _Order, static_cast<double>(_Value)));
// FUNCTION beta
_NODISCARD inline double beta(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_beta(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION betaf
_NODISCARD inline float betaf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_betaf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION betal
_NODISCARD inline long double betal(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_beta(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_1
_NODISCARD inline double comp_ellint_1(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_1(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_1f
_NODISCARD inline float comp_ellint_1f(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_1f(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_1l
_NODISCARD inline long double comp_ellint_1l(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_1(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_2
_NODISCARD inline double comp_ellint_2(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_2(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_2f
_NODISCARD inline float comp_ellint_2f(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_2f(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_2l
_NODISCARD inline long double comp_ellint_2l(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_2(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_3
_NODISCARD inline double comp_ellint_3(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_3(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_3f
_NODISCARD inline float comp_ellint_3f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_3f(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_3l
_NODISCARD inline long double comp_ellint_3l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_3(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_i
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_bessel_i(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_i(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_if
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_bessel_if(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_if(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_il
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_bessel_il(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_i(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_j
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_bessel_j(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_j(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_jf
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_bessel_jf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_jf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_jl
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_bessel_jl(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_j(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_k
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_bessel_k(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_k(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_kf
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_bessel_kf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_kf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_kl
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_bessel_kl(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_k(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_neumann
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_neumann(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_neumann(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_neumannf
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_neumannf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_neumannf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_neumannl
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_neumannl(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_neumann(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION ellint_1
_NODISCARD inline double ellint_1(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_1(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_1f
_NODISCARD inline float ellint_1f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_1f(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_1l
_NODISCARD inline long double ellint_1l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_1(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION ellint_2
_NODISCARD inline double ellint_2(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_2(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_2f
_NODISCARD inline float ellint_2f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_2f(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_2l
_NODISCARD inline long double ellint_2l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_2(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION ellint_3
_NODISCARD inline double ellint_3(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2, const double _Arg3)
return (__std_smf_ellint_3(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// FUNCTION ellint_3f
_NODISCARD inline float ellint_3f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2, const float _Arg3)
return (__std_smf_ellint_3f(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// FUNCTION ellint_3l
_NODISCARD inline long double ellint_3l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2,
const long double _Arg3)
return (__std_smf_ellint_3(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2),
// FUNCTION expint
_NODISCARD inline double expint(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_expint(_Arg));
// FUNCTION expintf
_NODISCARD inline float expintf(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_expintf(_Arg));
// FUNCTION expintl
_NODISCARD inline long double expintl(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_expint(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION hermite
_NODISCARD inline double hermite(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_hermite(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION hermitef
_NODISCARD inline float hermitef(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_hermitef(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION hermitel
_NODISCARD inline long double hermitel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_hermite(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION laguerre
_NODISCARD inline double laguerre(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_laguerre(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION laguerref
_NODISCARD inline float laguerref(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_laguerref(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION laguerrel
_NODISCARD inline long double laguerrel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_laguerre(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION legendre
_NODISCARD inline double legendre(const unsigned int _Degree, const double _Value)
return (__std_smf_legendre(_Degree, _Value));
// FUNCTION legendref
_NODISCARD inline float legendref(const unsigned int _Degree, const float _Value)
return (__std_smf_legendref(_Degree, _Value));
// FUNCTION legendrel
_NODISCARD inline long double legendrel(const unsigned int _Degree, const long double _Value)
return (__std_smf_legendre(_Degree, static_cast<double>(_Value)));
// FUNCTION riemann_zeta
_NODISCARD inline double riemann_zeta(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_riemann_zeta(_Arg));
// FUNCTION riemann_zetaf
_NODISCARD inline float riemann_zetaf(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_riemann_zetaf(_Arg));
// FUNCTION riemann_zetal
_NODISCARD inline long double riemann_zetal(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_riemann_zeta(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION sph_bessel
_NODISCARD inline double sph_bessel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_bessel(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_besself
_NODISCARD inline float sph_besself(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_besself(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_bessell
_NODISCARD inline long double sph_bessell(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_bessel(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION sph_legendre
_NODISCARD inline double sph_legendre(const unsigned int _Arg1, const unsigned int _Arg2,
const double _Theta)
return (__std_smf_sph_legendre(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Theta));
// FUNCTION sph_legendref
_NODISCARD inline float sph_legendref(const unsigned int _Arg1, const unsigned int _Arg2,
const float _Theta)
return (__std_smf_sph_legendref(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Theta));
// FUNCTION sph_legendrel
_NODISCARD inline long double sph_legendrel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const unsigned int _Arg2,
const long double _Theta)
return (__std_smf_sph_legendre(_Arg1, _Arg2, static_cast<double>(_Theta)));
// FUNCTION sph_neumann
_NODISCARD inline double sph_neumann(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_neumann(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_neumannf
_NODISCARD inline float sph_neumannf(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_neumannf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_neumannl
_NODISCARD inline long double sph_neumannl(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_neumann(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
#endif /* _HAS_SPECIAL_MATH */
// FUNCTION hypot (3-argument overloads)
_NODISCARD inline double hypot(const double _Dx, const double _Dy, const double _Dz)
return (__std_smf_hypot3(_Dx, _Dy, _Dz));
_NODISCARD inline float hypot(const float _Dx, const float _Dy, const float _Dz)
return (__std_smf_hypot3f(_Dx, _Dy, _Dz));
_NODISCARD inline long double hypot(const long double _Dx, const long double _Dy,
const long double _Dz)
return (__std_smf_hypot3(static_cast<double>(_Dx), static_cast<double>(_Dy),
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2,
class _Ty3,
enable_if_t<is_arithmetic_v<_Ty1> && is_arithmetic_v<_Ty2> && is_arithmetic_v<_Ty3>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD inline auto hypot(const _Ty1 _Dx, const _Ty2 _Dy, const _Ty3 _Dz)
{ // N4727 [cmath.syn]/2 "Sufficient additional overloads"
// Note that this template is selected by overload resolution only when at least one
// argument is double/long double/integral but not all three are double or long double.
using _Common = _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Common_float_type_t<_Ty2, _Ty3>>; // TRANSITION, fold expressions
const auto _Result = __std_smf_hypot3(static_cast<double>(_Dx), static_cast<double>(_Dy),
return (static_cast<_Common>(_Result));
_STD_END #endif /* _HAS_CXX17 */
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop) #pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */ #endif /* _CMATH_ */
/* * Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved. * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. V6.50:0009 */