#ifndef _LZEXPAND_
#define _LZEXPAND_
#include <winapifamily.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#pragma region Desktop Family
#define LZERROR_BADINHANDLE (-1) /* invalid input handle */
#define LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE (-2) /* invalid output handle */
#define LZERROR_READ (-3) /* corrupt compressed file format */
#define LZERROR_WRITE (-4) /* out of space for output file */
#define LZERROR_GLOBALLOC (-5) /* insufficient memory for LZFile struct */
#define LZERROR_GLOBLOCK (-6) /* bad global handle */
#define LZERROR_BADVALUE (-7) /* input parameter out of acceptable range*/
#define LZERROR_UNKNOWNALG (-8) /* compression algorithm not recognized */
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Out_writes_(MAX_PATH) LPSTR lpszBuffer
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Out_writes_(MAX_PATH) LPWSTR lpszBuffer
#ifdef UNICODE
#define GetExpandedName GetExpandedNameW
#define GetExpandedName GetExpandedNameA
#endif // !UNICODE
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Inout_ LPOFSTRUCT lpReOpenBuf,
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Inout_ LPOFSTRUCT lpReOpenBuf,
#ifdef UNICODE
#define LZOpenFile LZOpenFileW
#define LZOpenFile LZOpenFileA
#endif // !UNICODE
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Out_writes_bytes_to_(cbRead, return) CHAR* lpBuffer,
#pragma endregion
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // _LZEXPAND_