* *
* DriverSpecs.h - markers for documenting the semantics of driver APIs *
* See also <SpecStrings.h> *
* *
* Version 1.2.10 *
* *
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. *
* *
* NOTE *
* NOTE *
* NOTE *
* The macro bodies in this file are subject to change without notice. *
* Attempting to use the annotations in the macro bodies directly is not *
* supported. *
* NOTE *
* NOTE *
* NOTE *
* The annotations described by KernelSpecs.h and DriverSpecs.h, taken together,
* are used to annotate drivers. Many of the annotations are applicable to
* user space code (including subsystems) as well as to drivers.
* DriverSpecs.h contains those annotations which are appropriate to userspace
* code, or which might appear in headers that are shared between user space
* and kernel space. In the case of annotations which might appear in such a
* shared header, but which are meaningless in user space, the annotations are
* #defined to nothing in DriverSpecs.h.
* KernelSpecs.h contains those annotations which either will only appear in
* kernel code or headers; or which might appear in shared headers. In the
* latter case, it is assumed that DriverSpecs.h has been #included, and
* the anntoations are re-defined (using #undef) to give them a meaningful
* value. In general, documentation for the shared-header annotations appears
* in DriverSpecs.h.
* Many annotations are context dependent. They only apply to certain versions
* of Windows, or only to certain classes of driver. These rules can be written
* using something like _When_(NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXP, ...)
* which causes the rule only to apply to Windows XP and later. Many of these
* symbols are already defined in various Windows headers.
* To facilitate using this sort of conditional rule, we collect here the
* various known symbols that are (or reasonably might) be used in such
* a conditional annotation. Some are speculative in that the symbol has
* not yet been defined because there are no known uses of it yet.
* Where the symbol already exists its relevant header is
* noted below (excluding the "really well known" ones).
* Each symbol is listed with the currently known possible values.
* Some symbols are marked as #define symbols -- they are used with #ifdef
* operators only. To use them in _When_, use something like
* _When_(__drv_defined(NT), ...).
* WDK Version (copied for convenience from sdkddkver.h)
* The WDK version is taken as the WDM version as well.
* OS Version: (copied for convenience from sdkddkver.h)
* WINVER: 0x030B 0x0400 0x0500 0x0600
* NT (#define symbol)
* (sdkddkver.h also defines symbols for IE versions should they be needed.)
* Compiler Version:
* _MSC_VER: too many to list.
* _MSC_FULL_VER: too many to list.
* KMDF Version: (Currently defined/used only in makefiles.)
* UMDF Version: (Currently defined/used only in makefiles.)
* Architecture kinds:
* __WIN64 (#define symbols)
* _X86_
* _AMD64_
* _IA64_
* Machine Architectures:
* _M_IX86
* _M_AMD64
* _M_IA64
* Driver Kind (NYI: "not yet implemented")
* Typically these will be defined in the most-common header for a
* particular driver (or in individual source files if appropriate).
* These are not intended to necessarily be orthogonal: more than one might
* apply to a particular driver.
* NDIS driver version: (see ndis.h for much more detail.)
* These can be used to both identify an NDIS driver and to check the version.
* NDIS40 NDIS50 NDIS51 NDIS60 (#defined symbols)
* And many others in ndis.h (including MINIPORT)
#include <specstrings.h>
#include "sdv_driverspecs.h"
#include <concurrencysal.h>
#if _MSC_VER > 1000 // [
#pragma once
#endif // ]
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#endif // ]
#if (_MSC_VER >= 1000) && !defined(__midl) && defined(_PREFAST_) && defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)// [
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Processing mode selection:
// __internal_kernel_driver
// Flag for headers that indicates a probable driver.
// This should only be coded in headers that are normally used
// as the "primary" header for a class of drivers. It sets the
// default to kernel mode driver.
// ';' inside the parens to keep MIDL happy
#define __internal_kernel_driver \
_Analysis_mode_(_Analysis_internal_kernel_driver_) \
// __kernel_code
// __kernel_driver
// __user_driver
// __user_code
// Flags for compilation units that indicated specifically what kind of
// code it is.
// These should be coded as early as possible in any compilation unit
// (.c/.cpp file) that doesn't get the correct default. Whether before
// or after __internal_kernel_driver
// Indicate that the code is kernel, but not driver, code.
#define __kernel_code \
_Analysis_mode_(_Analysis_code_type_kernel_code_) \
// Indicate that the code is kernel, driver, code.
#define __kernel_driver \
_Analysis_mode_(_Analysis_code_type_kernel_driver_) \
// Indicate that the code is a user mode driver.
#define __user_driver \
_Analysis_mode_(_Analysis_code_type_user_driver_) \
// Indicate that the code is ordinary user mode code.
#define __user_code \
_Analysis_mode_(_Analysis_code_type_user_code_) \
// "landmark" function definition to pass information to the
// analysis tools, as needed.
__ANNOTATION(SAL_landmark(__In_impl_ char *);)
#define _Landmark_(name) _SAL_L_Source_(_Landmark_, (name), \
_SA_annotes1(SAL_landmark, #name))
#define __drv_Mode_impl(x) \
_Landmark_(x) \
__inline void __GENSYM(__SAL_dummy_)(void){}
// Macros to declare a function to be a particular class
// of driver.
#define __drv_WDM __drv_Mode_impl(WDM)
#define __drv_KMDF __drv_Mode_impl(KMDF)
#define __drv_NDIS __drv_Mode_impl(NDIS)
// Inform PREfast that operator new does [not] throw.
// Be sure you really know which is actually in use before using one of
// these. The default is throwing (and cannot return NULL) which is
// standard conformant, but much kernel code links with a non-throwing
// operator new.
// Header <new> will set the default to throwing, so be sure to place
// this after that header is included.
// Be sure to use these macros for this purpose as the implementation
// could change.
#define __prefast_operator_new_throws \
void* __cdecl operator new(size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc); \
void* __cdecl operator new[](size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc); \
#define __prefast_operator_new_null \
void* __cdecl operator new(size_t size) throw(); \
void* __cdecl operator new[](size_t size) throw(); \
// Paging information:
// _Analysis_assume_section_locked_(n)
// _Analysis_assume_section_unlocked_(n)
// A call will be made to <n>, and we should assume it is [not]
// locked in memory.
// Past this point, the named section is assumed to be locked in
// memory, and calls to that section are deemed safe.
// This is only used when dynamically locked pages are being used.
__inline __nothrow
void __AnalysisAssumeLockedSection(__In_impl_ char *p);
__inline __nothrow
void __AnalysisAssumeUnlockedSection(__In_impl_ char *p);
#define _Analysis_assume_section_locked_(name) \
#define _Analysis_assume_section_unlocked_(name) \
#else // ][
#define __internal_kernel_driver
#define __kernel_code
#define __kernel_driver
#define __user_driver
#define __user_code
#define __drv_Mode_impl(x)
#define __drv_WDM
#define __drv_KMDF
#define __drv_NDIS
#define __prefast_operator_new_throws
#define __prefast_operator_new_null
#define _Analysis_assume_section_locked_(name)
#define _Analysis_assume_section_unlocked_(name)
#endif // ]
#define _IRQL_limited_to_(level) \
ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= level); \
_Analysis_assume_(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= level);
#define __drv_deref(annotes) __deref _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_in(annotes) _Pre_ _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_in_deref(annotes) _Pre_ __deref _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_out(annotes) _Post_ _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_out_deref(annotes) _Post_ __deref _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_when(cond, annotes) _When_(cond, annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_at(expr,annotes) _At_(expr, annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_fun(annotes) _At_(return,annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_ret(annotes) _At_(return,annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __drv_arg(expr,annotes) _At_(expr,annotes)
#define __drv_unit(p) \
typedef int ___drv_unit_##p \
#define ___drv_unit_internal_kernel_driver \
_SAL_L_Source_(__drv_unit_internal_kernel_driver, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_internal_kernel_driver))
#define ___drv_unit_kernel_code \
_SAL_L_Source_(___drv_unit_kernel_code, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_kernel) _SA_annotes0(SAL_nodriver))
#define ___drv_unit_kernel_driver \
_SAL_L_Source_(___drv_unit_kernel_driver, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_kernel) _SA_annotes0(SAL_driver))
#define ___drv_unit_user_driver \
_SAL_L_Source_(___drv_unit_user_driver, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_nokernel) _SA_annotes0(SAL_driver))
#define ___drv_unit_user_code \
_SAL_L_Source_(___drv_unit_user_code, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_nokernel) _SA_annotes0(SAL_nodriver))
#ifndef __internal_kernel_driver
#define __internal_kernel_driver __drv_unit(internal_kernel_driver)
#define __kernel_code __drv_unit(kernel_code)
#define __kernel_driver __drv_unit(kernel_driver)
#define __user_driver __drv_unit(user_driver)
#define __user_code __drv_unit(user_code)
#define __drv_defined(x) _Macro_defined_( #x )
#define __drv_functionClass(x) _SAL1_Source_(__drv_functionClass, (x), _Function_class_(x))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_acquire(__In_impl_ char *);)
#define _Kernel_acquires_resource_(kind) \
_SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_acquires_resource_, (#kind), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_acquire, #kind))
#define __drv_acquiresResource(kind) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_acquiresResource, (kind), _Acquires_lock_(_Curr_))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_release(__In_impl_ char *);)
#define _Kernel_releases_resource_(kind) \
_SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_releases_resource_, (#kind), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_release, #kind))
#define __drv_releasesResource(kind) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_releasesResource, (kind), _Releases_lock_(_Curr_))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_acquireGlobal(__In_impl_ char *, ...);)
#define __drv_innerAcquiresGlobal(kind, param) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(_drv_innerAcquiresGlobal, (#kind, param\t), _Post_ _SA_annotes2(SAL_acquireGlobal, #kind, param\t))
#define __drv_acquiresResourceGlobal(kind,param) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_acquiresResourceGlobal, (kind, param), _Acquires_lock_(param))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_releaseGlobal(__In_impl_ char *, ...);)
#define __drv_innerReleasesGlobal(kind, param) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_InnerReleasesGlobal, (#kind, param\t), _Post_ _SA_annotes2(SAL_releaseGlobal,#kind, param\t))
#define __drv_releasesResourceGlobal(kind, param) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_releasesResourceGlobal, (kind, param), _Releases_lock_(param))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_mustHold(__In_impl_ char *);)
#define _Kernel_requires_resource_held_(kind) \
_SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_requires_resource_held_, (#kind), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_mustHold, #kind))
#define __drv_mustHold(kind) \
_SAL_L_Source_(_drv_mustHold, (kind), \
_When_(!_Arg_comp_(#kind,"Memory"), _Requires_lock_held_(_Curr_)) \
_When_(_Arg_comp_(#kind,"Memory"), _Kernel_requires_resource_held_(kind)))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_mustHoldGlobal(__In_impl_ char *, ...);)
#define __drv_innerMustHoldGlobal(kind, param) \
_SAL_L_Source_(__drv_innerMustHoldGlobal, (#kind, param\t), _Pre_ _SA_annotes2(SAL_mustHoldGlobal, #kind, param\t))
#define __drv_mustHoldGlobal(kind,param) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_mustHoldGlobal, (kind, param), _Requires_lock_held_(param))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_neverHold(__In_impl_ char *);)
#define _Kernel_requires_resource_not_held_(kind) \
_SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_requires_resource_not_held_, (#kind), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_neverHold, #kind))
#define __drv_neverHold(kind) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_neverHold, (kind), _Requires_lock_not_held_(_Curr_))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_neverHoldGlobal(__In_impl_ char *, ...);)
#define __drv_innerNeverHoldGlobal(kind, param) \
_SAL_L_Source_(__drv_innterNeverHoldGlobal, (#kind, param\t), _Pre_ _SA_annotes2(SAL_neverHoldGlobal, #kind, param\t))
#define __drv_neverHoldGlobal(kind,param) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_neverHoldGlobal, (kind, param), _Requires_lock_not_held_(param))
__PRIMOP(int, _Holds_resource_(__In_impl_ __deferTypecheck char *,__In_impl_ char *);)
__PRIMOP(int, _Holds_resource_global_(__In_impl_ char *, ...);)
#define __drv_setsIRQL(irql) /* see kernelspecs.h, legacy */
#define _IRQL_raises_(irql) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_raisesIRQL _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_raisesIRQL, (), _IRQL_raises_) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_requires_(irql) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_requiresIRQL(irql) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_requiresIRQL, (irql), _IRQL_requires_(irql)) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_requires_max_(irql) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_maxIRQL(irql) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_maxIRQL, (irql), _IRQL_requires_max_(irql)) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_requires_min_(irql) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_minIRQL(irql) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_minIRQL, (irql), _IRQL_requires_min_(irql)) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_saves_ /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_savesIRQL _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_savesIRQL, (), _IRQL_saves_) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_saves_global_(kind,param) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_savesIRQLGlobal(kind,param) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_savesIRQLGlobal, (kind,param), _IRQL_saves_global_(kind,param)) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_restores_ /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_restoresIRQL _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_restoresIRQL, (), _IRQL_restores_) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_restores_global_(kind,param) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_restoresIRQLGlobal(kind,param) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_restoresIRQLGlobal, (kind,param), _IRQL_restores_global_(kind,param)) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_always_function_min_(irql) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_minFunctionIRQL(irql) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_minFunctionIRQL, (irql), _IRQL_always_function_min_(irql)) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_always_function_max_(irql) /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_maxFunctionIRQL(irql) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_maxFunctionIRQL, (irql), _IRQL_always_function_max_(irql)) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_requires_same_ /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_sameIRQL _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_sameIRQL, (), _IRQL_requires_same_) /* legacy */
#define _IRQL_uses_cancel_ /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_useCancelIRQL _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_usesCancelIRQL, (), _IRQL_uses_cancel_) /* legacy */
#undef _IRQL_inout_
#define _IRQL_inout_ \
_IRQL_saves_ _IRQL_restores_
__ANNOTATION(SAL_clearDoInit(enum __SAL_YesNo);)
#define _Kernel_clear_do_init_(yesNo) \
_SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_clear_do_init_, (yesNo), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_clearDoInit,yesNo))
#define __drv_clearDoInit(yesNo) _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_clearDoInit, (yesNo), _Kernel_clear_do_init_(yesNo)) /* legacy */
#define _Kernel_IoGetDmaAdapter_ \
_SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_IoGetDmaAdapter_, (), _Post_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_IoGetDmaAdapter))
#define __drv_IoGetDmaAdapter _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_IoGetDmaAdapter, (), _Kernel_IoGetDmaAdapter_) /* legacy */
__ANNOTATION(SAL_return(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *);)
#define __drv_valueIs(arglist) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_valueIs, (arglist), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_return,arglist))
#define __drv_constant _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_constant, (), _Literal_)
#define __drv_nonConstant _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_nonConstant, (), _Notliteral_)
#define __drv_strictTypeMatch(mode) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_strictTypeMatch, (mode), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_strictTypeMatch,mode))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_strictType(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *);) // currently 1/2 args
#define __drv_strictType(typename,mode) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_strictType, (typename,mode), _Pre_ _SA_annotes2(SAL_strictType, typename, mode))
#define __drv_typeConst 0 // constants of that type
#define __drv_typeCond 1 // plus ?:
#define __drv_typeBitset 2 // plus all operators
#define __drv_typeExpr 3 // plus literal constants
#define __drv_notPointer _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_notPointer, (), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_mayBePointer,__no))
#define __drv_isObjectPointer _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_isObjectPointer, (), _Points_to_data_)
#define __drv_aliasesMem _SAL_L_Source_(__drv_aliasesMem, (), _Post_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_IsAliased))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_NeedsRelease(enum __SAL_YesNo);)
#define __drv_allocatesMem(kind) _SAL_L_Source_(__drv_allocatesMem, (kind), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_NeedsRelease,__yes))
#define __drv_freesMem(kind) _SAL_L_Source_(__drv_freesMem, (kind), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_NeedsRelease,__no))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_preferredFunction(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *,
__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *);)
__ANNOTATION(SAL_preferredFunction3(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *,
__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *, __In_impl_ __int64);)
#define __drv_preferredFunction(func,why) \
_SAL_L_Source_(__drv_preferredFunction, (func,why), _Pre_ _SA_annotes2(SAL_preferredFunction, func, why))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_error(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *);)
__ANNOTATION(SAL_error2(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *, __In_impl_ __int64);)
#define __drv_reportError(why) \
_SAL_L_Source_(__drv_reportError, (why), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_error,why))
#define _Kernel_float_saved_ _SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_float_saved_, (), _Post_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_floatSaved))
#define __drv_floatSaved _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_floatSaved, (), _Kernel_float_saved_) /* legacy */
#define _Kernel_float_restored_ _SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_float_restored_, (), _Post_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_floatRestored))
#define __drv_floatRestored _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_floatRestored, (), _Kernel_float_restored_) /* legacy */
#define _Kernel_float_used_ _SAL2_Source_(_Kernel_float_used_, (), _Post_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_floatUsed))
#define __drv_floatUsed _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_floatUsed, (), _Kernel_float_used_) /* legacy */
#define __drv_interlocked _SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_interlocked, (), _Interlocked_operand_)
#define __drv_inTry _SAL_L_Source_(__drv_inTry, (), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_inTry,__yes))
#define __drv_notInTry _SAL_L_Source_(__drv_notInTry, (), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_inTry,__no))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_IsFormatString(__In_impl_ char *);)
#define __drv_formatString(kind)\
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_formatString, (kind), _SA_annotes1(SAL_IsFormatString, #kind))
#define _Dispatch_type_(x) _SAL2_Source_(Dispatch_type_, (x), _SA_annotes1(SAL_functionClassNew, #x))
#define __drv_dispatchType(x) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_displatchType, (x), _SA_annotes1(SAL_functionClassNew, #x))
#define __drv_dispatchType_other\
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_dispatchType_other, (), __drv_dispatchType(IRP_MJ_OTHER))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_completionType(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *);)
#define __drv_completionType(kindlist)\
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_completionType, (kindlist), _SA_annotes1(SAL_completionType, #kindlist))
__ANNOTATION(SAL_callbackType(__In_impl_ __AuToQuOtE char *);)
#define __drv_callbackType(kind)\
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_callbackType, (kind), _SA_annotes1(SAL_callbackType, #kind))
#ifdef _PREFAST_ // [ expand to nothing immediately to avoid RC problem
// Exclusive Resources
#define __drv_acquiresExclusiveResource(kind) \
_SAL1_1_Source_(__drv_acquiresExclusiveResource, (kind), _Acquires_nonreentrant_lock_(_Curr_))
#define __drv_releasesExclusiveResource(kind) \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_releasesExclusiveResource, (kind), _Releases_nonreentrant_lock_(_Curr_))
#define __drv_acquiresExclusiveResourceGlobal(kind, param) \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_acquiresExclusiveResourceGlobal, (kind), _Acquires_nonreentrant_lock_(param))
#define __drv_releasesExclusiveResourceGlobal(kind, param) \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_releasesExclusiveResourceGlobal, (kind), _Releases_nonreentrant_lock_(param))
// CancelSpinLock
#define __drv_acquiresCancelSpinLock \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_acquiresCancelSpinLock, (kind), _Acquires_nonreentrant_lock_(_Global_cancel_spin_lock_))
#define __drv_releasesCancelSpinLock \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_releasesCancelSpinLock, (kind), _Releases_nonreentrant_lock_(_Global_cancel_spin_lock_))
#define __drv_mustHoldCancelSpinLock \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_mustHoldCancelSpinLock, (kind), _Requires_lock_held_(_Global_cancel_spin_lock_))
#define __drv_neverHoldCancelSpinLock \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_neverHoldCancelSpinLock, (kind), _Requires_lock_not_held_(_Global_cancel_spin_lock_))
#define __drv_holdsCancelSpinLock() \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_holdsCanselSpinLock, (kind), _Holds_resource_global_("CancelSpinLock",))
// CriticalRegion
#define __drv_acquiresCriticalRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_acquiresCriticalRegion, (kind), _Acquires_lock_(_Global_critical_region_))
#define __drv_releasesCriticalRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_releasesCriticalRegion, (kind), _Releases_lock_(_Global_critical_region_))
#define __drv_mustHoldCriticalRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_mustHoldCriticalRegion, (kind), _Requires_lock_held_(_Global_critical_region_))
#define __drv_neverHoldCriticalRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_neverHoldCriticalRegion, (kind), _Requires_lock_not_held_(_Global_critical_region_))
#define __drv_holdsCriticalRegion() \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_holdsCriticalRegion, (kind), _Holds_resource_global_("CriticalRegion",))
extern int _Global_priority_region_;
// PriorityRegion
#define __drv_acquiresPriorityRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_acquiresPrioorityRegion, (kind), _Acquires_lock_(_Global_priority_region_))
#define __drv_releasesPriorityRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_releasesPriorityRegion, (kind), _Releases_lock_(_Global_priority_region_))
#define __drv_mustHoldPriorityRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_mustHoldPriorityRegion, (kind), _Requires_lock_held_(_Global_priority_region_))
#define __drv_neverHoldPriorityRegion \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_neverHoldPriorityRegion, (kind), _Requires_lock_not_held_(_Global_priority_region_))
#define __drv_holdsPriorityRegion() \
_SAL1_Source_(__drv_holdsPriorityRegion, (kind), _Holds_resource_global_("PriorityRegion",))
#else // ][
#define __drv_acquiresExclusiveResource(kind)
#define __drv_releasesExclusiveResource(kind)
#define __drv_acquiresExclusiveResourceGlobal(kind, param)
#define __drv_releasesExclusiveResourceGlobal(kind, param)
#define __drv_acquiresCancelSpinLock
#define __drv_releasesCancelSpinLock
#define __drv_mustHoldCancelSpinLock
#define __drv_holdsCancelSpinLock()
#define __drv_neverHoldCancelSpinLock
#define __drv_acquiresCriticalRegion
#define __drv_releasesCriticalRegion
#define __drv_mustHoldCriticalRegion
#define __drv_neverHoldCriticalRegion
#define __drv_holdsCriticalRegion()
#define __drv_acquiresPriorityRegion
#define __drv_releasesPriorityRegion
#define __drv_mustHoldPriorityRegion
#define __drv_neverHoldPriorityRegion
#define __drv_holdsPriorityRegion()
#endif // ]
#define _IRQL_is_cancel_ /* see kernelspecs.h */
#define __drv_isCancelIRQL _IRQL_is_cancel_ /* legacy */
__PRIMOP(int, _Is_kernel_(void);)
__PRIMOP(int, _Is_driver_(void);)
#ifdef __cplusplus