#pragma once
#ifndef _CSTDDEF_
#define _CSTDDEF_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include <stddef.h>
#include <xtr1common>
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma warning(disable:
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
using _CSTD ptrdiff_t; using _CSTD size_t;
// ENUM CLASS byte
enum class byte : unsigned char { };
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator<<(const byte _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise LEFT SHIFT, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned int>(_Arg) << _Shift)));
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator>>(const byte _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise RIGHT SHIFT, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned int>(_Arg) >> _Shift)));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator|(const byte _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise OR, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(
static_cast<unsigned int>(_Left) | static_cast<unsigned int>(_Right))));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator&(const byte _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise AND, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(
static_cast<unsigned int>(_Left) & static_cast<unsigned int>(_Right))));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator^(const byte _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise XOR, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(
static_cast<unsigned int>(_Left) ^ static_cast<unsigned int>(_Right))));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator~(const byte _Arg) noexcept
{ // bitwise NOT, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(~static_cast<unsigned int>(_Arg))));
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
constexpr byte& operator<<=(byte& _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise LEFT SHIFT
return (_Arg = _Arg << _Shift);
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
constexpr byte& operator>>=(byte& _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise RIGHT SHIFT
return (_Arg = _Arg >> _Shift);
constexpr byte& operator|=(byte& _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise OR
return (_Left = _Left | _Right);
constexpr byte& operator&=(byte& _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise AND
return (_Left = _Left & _Right);
constexpr byte& operator^=(byte& _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise XOR
return (_Left = _Left ^ _Right);
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD constexpr _IntType to_integer(const byte _Arg) noexcept
{ // convert byte to integer
return (static_cast<_IntType>(_Arg));
#endif /* _HAS_STD_BYTE */
using _STD max_align_t; // intentional, for historical reasons
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
#endif /* _CSTDDEF_ */