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// crtdbg.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Public debugging facilities for the CRT
#pragma once
#ifndef _INC_CRTDBG // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_CRTDBG
#include <corecrt.h> #include <vcruntime_new_debug.h>
// file handle pointer
#define _CRT_WARN 0
#define _CRT_ERROR 1
#define _CRT_ASSERT 2
#define _CRT_ERRCNT 3
#define _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE 0x1
#define _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG 0x2
#define _CRTDBG_MODE_WNDW 0x4
#define _CRTDBG_INVALID_HFILE ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-1)
#define _CRTDBG_HFILE_ERROR ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-2)
#define _CRTDBG_FILE_STDOUT ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-4)
#define _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-5)
#define _CRTDBG_REPORT_FILE ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-6)
// Client-defined reporting and allocation hooks
#ifdef _M_CEE
typedef int (__clrcall* _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK_M)(int, void*, size_t, int, long, unsigned char const*, int);
#define _HOOK_ALLOC 1
#define _HOOK_REALLOC 2
#define _HOOK_FREE 3
// Memory Management and State Tracking
// Bit values for _crtDbgFlag flag. These bitflags control debug heap behavior.
#define _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF 0x01 // Turn on debug allocation
#define _CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF 0x02 // Don't actually free memory
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF 0x04 // Check heap every alloc/dealloc
#define _CRTDBG_RESERVED_DF 0x08 // Reserved - do not use
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_CRT_DF 0x10 // Leak check/diff CRT blocks
#define _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF 0x20 // Leak check at program exit
// Some bit values for _crtDbgFlag which correspond to frequencies for checking
// the heap.
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_16_DF 0x00100000 // Check heap every 16 heap ops
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_128_DF 0x00800000 // Check heap every 128 heap ops
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_1024_DF 0x04000000 // Check heap every 1024 heap ops
// We do not check the heap by default at this point because the cost was too
// high for some applications. You can still turn this feature on manually.
#define _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG -1 // Query bitflag status
#define _BLOCK_TYPE(block) (block & 0xFFFF)
#define _BLOCK_SUBTYPE(block) (block >> 16 & 0xFFFF)
// Memory block identification
#define _FREE_BLOCK 0
#define _NORMAL_BLOCK 1
#define _CRT_BLOCK 2
#define _IGNORE_BLOCK 3
#define _CLIENT_BLOCK 4
#define _MAX_BLOCKS 5
// _UNKNOWN_BLOCK is a sentinel value that may be passed to some functions that
// expect a block type as an argument. If this value is passed, those functions
// will use the block type specified in the block header instead. This is used
// in cases where the heap lock cannot be acquired to compute the block type
// before calling the function (e.g. when the caller is outside of the CoreCRT).
#define _UNKNOWN_BLOCK (-1)
#ifdef _M_CEE
typedef void (__clrcall* _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT_M)(void*, size_t);
; }
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _CrtGetAllocHook() ((_CRT_ALLOC_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtSetAllocHook(f) ((_CRT_ALLOC_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtGetDumpClient() ((_CRT_DUMP_CLIENT)0)
#define _CrtSetDumpClient(f) ((_CRT_DUMP_CLIENT)0)
#define _CrtCheckMemory() ((int)1)
#define _CrtDoForAllClientObjects(f, c) ((void)0)
#define _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() ((int)0)
#define _CrtIsMemoryBlock(p, t, r, f, l) ((int)1)
#define _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(p) ((int)1)
#define _CrtIsValidPointer(p, n, r) ((int)1)
#define _CrtMemCheckpoint(s) ((void)0)
#define _CrtMemDifference(s1, s2, s3) ((int)0)
#define _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince(s) ((void)0)
#define _CrtMemDumpStatistics(s) ((void)0)
#define _CrtReportBlockType(p) ((int)-1)
#define _CrtSetBreakAlloc(a) ((long)0)
#define _CrtSetDbgFlag(f) ((int)0)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
#define _crtDbgFlag (*__p__crtDbgFlag())
#define _crtBreakAlloc (*__p__crtBreakAlloc())
); );
#endif // _M_CEE_PURE
*); ); );
); ); ); ); );
); ); );
#endif // _DEBUG
// Debug Heap Routines
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _calloc_dbg(c, s, t, f, l) calloc(c, s)
#define _expand_dbg(p, s, t, f, l) _expand(p, s)
#define _free_dbg(p, t) free(p)
#define _malloc_dbg(s, t, f, l) malloc(s)
#define _msize_dbg(p, t) _msize(p)
#define _realloc_dbg(p, s, t, f, l) realloc(p, s)
#define _recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, t, f, l) _recalloc(p, c, s)
#define _aligned_free_dbg(p) _aligned_free(p)
#define _aligned_malloc_dbg(s, a, f, l) _aligned_malloc(s, a)
#define _aligned_msize_dbg(p, a, o) _aligned_msize(p, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_malloc_dbg(s, a, o, f, l) _aligned_offset_malloc(s, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, o, f, l) _aligned_offset_realloc(p, s, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, o, f, l) _aligned_offset_recalloc(p, c, s, a, o)
#define _aligned_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, f, l) _aligned_realloc(p, s, a)
#define _aligned_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, f, l) _aligned_recalloc(p, c, s, a)
#define _freea_dbg(p, t) _freea(p)
#define _malloca_dbg(s, t, f, l) _malloca(s)
#define _dupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, t, f, l) _dupenv_s(ps1, size, s2)
#define _fullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, t, f, l) _fullpath(s1, s2, le)
#define _getcwd_dbg(s, le, t, f, l) _getcwd(s, le)
#define _getdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _getdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _getdcwd_lk_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _getdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _mbsdup_dbg(s, t, f, l) _mbsdup(s)
#define _strdup_dbg(s, t, f, l) _strdup(s)
#define _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, t, f, l) _tempnam(s1, s2)
#define _wcsdup_dbg(s, t, f, l) _wcsdup(s)
#define _wdupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, t, f, l) _wdupenv_s(ps1, size, s2)
#define _wfullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, t, f, l) _wfullpath(s1, s2, le)
#define _wgetcwd_dbg(s, le, t, f, l) _wgetcwd(s, le)
#define _wgetdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _wgetdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _wgetdcwd_lk_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _wgetdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _wtempnam_dbg(s1, s2, t, f, l) _wtempnam(s1, s2)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
#define calloc(c, s) _calloc_dbg(c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _expand(p, s) _expand_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define free(p) _free_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
#define malloc(s) _malloc_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _msize(p) _msize_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
#define realloc(p, s) _realloc_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _recalloc(p, c, s) _recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_free(p) _aligned_free_dbg(p)
#define _aligned_malloc(s, a) _aligned_malloc_dbg(s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_msize(p, a, o) _aligned_msize_dbg(p, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_malloc(s, a, o) _aligned_offset_malloc_dbg(s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_offset_realloc(p, s, a, o) _aligned_offset_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_offset_recalloc(p, c, s, a, o) _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_realloc(p, s, a) _aligned_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_recalloc(p, c, s, a) _aligned_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _freea(p) _freea_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
#define _malloca(s) _malloca_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _dupenv_s(ps1, size, s2) _dupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _fullpath(s1, s2, le) _fullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _getcwd(s, le) _getcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _getdcwd(d, s, le) _getdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _mbsdup(s) _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _strdup(s) _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _tempnam(s1, s2) _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wcsdup(s) _wcsdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wdupenv_s(ps1, size, s2) _wdupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wfullpath(s1, s2, le) _wfullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wgetcwd(s, le) _wgetcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wgetdcwd(d, s, le) _wgetdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wtempnam(s1, s2) _wtempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define strdup(s) _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define wcsdup(s) _wcsdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define tempnam(s1, s2) _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define getcwd(s, le) _getcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
); );
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
); );
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
); );
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_Success_(return == 0)
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Success_(return == 0)
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
#define _malloca_dbg(s, t, f, l) _malloc_dbg(s, t, f, l)
#define _freea_dbg(p, t) _free_dbg(p, t)
#if defined __cplusplus && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
namespace std
using ::_calloc_dbg;
using ::_free_dbg;
using ::_malloc_dbg;
using ::_realloc_dbg;
} #endif
#endif // _DEBUG
// Debug Reporting
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _CrtSetDebugFillThreshold(t) ((size_t)0)
#define _CrtSetReportFile(t, f) ((_HFILE)0)
#define _CrtSetReportMode(t, f) ((int)0)
#define _CrtGetReportHook() ((_CRT_REPORT_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtSetReportHook(f) ((_CRT_REPORT_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtSetReportHook2(t, f) ((int)0)
#define _CrtSetReportHookW2(t, f) ((int)0)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
...); ...);
); ); ); );
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
// _CrtSetReportHook[[W]2]:
// For IJW, we need two versions: one for clrcall and one for cdecl.
// For pure and native, we just need clrcall and cdecl, respectively.
); ); );
#endif // !_M_CEE_PURE
#endif // _DEBUG
// Assertions and Error Reporting Macros
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _CrtDbgBreak() ((void)0)
#ifndef _ASSERT_EXPR
#define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) ((void)0)
#ifndef _ASSERT
#define _ASSERT(expr) ((void)0)
#ifndef _ASSERTE
#define _ASSERTE(expr) ((void)0)
#define _RPT0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTN(rptno, msg, ...)
#define _RPTW0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTWN(rptno, msg, ...)
#define _RPTF0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTFN(rptno, msg, ...)
#define _RPTFW0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTFWN(rptno, msg, ...)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
#define _CrtDbgBreak() __debugbreak()
// !! is used to ensure that any overloaded operators used to evaluate expr
// do not end up at &&.
#ifndef _ASSERT_EXPR
#define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) \
(void)( \
(!!(expr)) || \
(1 != _CrtDbgReportW(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, L"%ls", msg)) || \
(_CrtDbgBreak(), 0) \
) #endif
#ifndef _ASSERT
#define _ASSERT(expr) _ASSERT_EXPR((expr), NULL) #endif
#ifndef _ASSERTE
#define _ASSERTE(expr) _ASSERT_EXPR((expr), _CRT_WIDE(#expr)) #endif
#define _RPT_BASE(...) \
(void) ((1 != _CrtDbgReport(__VA_ARGS__)) || \
(_CrtDbgBreak(), 0))
#define _RPT_BASE_W(...) \
(void) ((1 != _CrtDbgReportW(__VA_ARGS__)) || \
(_CrtDbgBreak(), 0))
#define _RPT0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, "%s", msg)
#define _RPTN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _RPTW0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, L"%ls", msg)
#define _RPTWN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _RPTF0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE(rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "%s", msg)
#define _RPTFN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE(rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _RPTFW0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, L"%ls", msg)
#define _RPTFWN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#endif // _DEBUG
// Asserts in debug. Invokes Watson in both debug and release
{ \
_ASSERTE((expr)); \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
_invoke_watson(_CRT_WIDE(#expr), __FUNCTIONW__, __FILEW__, __LINE__, 0); \
} \
// _ASSERT_BASE is provided only for backwards compatibility.
#ifndef _ASSERT_BASE
#define _ASSERT_BASE _ASSERT_EXPR #endif
#define _RPT1 _RPTN
#define _RPT2 _RPTN
#define _RPT3 _RPTN
#define _RPT4 _RPTN
#define _RPT5 _RPTN
#define _RPTW1 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW2 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW3 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW4 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW5 _RPTWN
#define _RPTF1 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF2 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF3 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF4 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF5 _RPTFN
#define _RPTFW1 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW2 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW3 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW4 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW5 _RPTFWN